Everyone may feel stressed or even overworked at times, but burnout is a whole other level. Burnout is a hyper-stress state induced by...

Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, is quite common. This isn’t great news because when your blood pressure is high,...

You know greens are good for you. That’s why you stock your fridge full of big, leafy bunches of romaine, kale, spinach and chard. But w...

As an integrative physician, one of my top recommendations is to breathe deeply. In addition to oxygenating our cells, breathing calms u...

Many folks claim that electronic cigarettes are an improvement over traditional smokes. But while these new devices emit fewer air-borne...

Tuberculosis and other similar lung diseases are becoming more deadly and difficult to treat. But a vitamin that helps the immune system...

Breathing is essential to life, but we rarely think about it. Because it’s usually automatic, we don’t have to focus on breathing like w...

When researchers look into who suffers more from allergies and asthma, men or women, they discover a complicated situation. Your allergy...